Java Scanner findInLine()方法与示例

news/2024/6/3 21:36:09 标签: 字符串, java, python, 正则表达式, 设计模式

扫描仪类findInLine()方法 (Scanner Class findInLine() method)



    public String findInLine(Pattern patt);
    public String findInLine(String patt);

  • findInLine() method is available in java.util package.


  • findInLine(Pattern patt) method is used to get the string that meets the given pattern (Pattern).

    findInLine(Pattern patt)方法用于获取符合给定模式(Pattern)的字符串

  • findInLine(String patt) method is used to get the string that meets the given String (patt).

    findInLine(String patt)方法用于获取符合给定String(patt)的字符串

  • These methods may throw an exception at the time of returning pattern.


    IllegalStateException: This exception may throw when this Scanner is not opened.

    IllegalStateException :如果未打开此扫描器,则可能引发此异常。

  • These are non-static methods, it is accessible with class object & if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.




  • In the first case, findInLine(Pattern patt),

    在第一种情况下, findInLine(Pattern patt)

    • Pattern patt – represents the pattern to find for.
    • 模式patt –表示要查找的模式。
  • In the second case, findInLine(String patt),

    在第二种情况下, findInLine(String patt)

    • String patt – represents the string denotes the pattern to find for.
    • 字符串patt –表示字符串,表示要查找的模式。

Return value:


In both the cases, the return type of the method is String, it returns the message that meets the given pattern.

在这两种情况下,方法的返回类型均为String ,它返回符合给定模式的消息。



// Java program is to demonstrate the
// example of findInLine

import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

public class FindInLine {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  String str = "Java Programming! 3 * 8= 24";

  // Instantiates Scanner
  Scanner sc = new Scanner(str);

  // By using findInLine(Pattern) method
  // is to find the next pattern from the given
  // parameter ".Program"
  String pattern = sc.findInLine(Pattern.compile(".Program"));
  System.out.println("sc.findInLine(Pattern.compile(.Program)): " + pattern);

  // By using findInLine(string) method
  // is to find the next pattern from the given
  // parameter of string "Java"

  pattern = sc.findInLine("ava");
  System.out.println("sc.findInLine(ava): " + pattern);

  // Scanner closed



sc.findInLine(Pattern.compile(.Program)):  Program
sc.findInLine(ava): null



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